The 2020 Annual Awards Luncheon 
The 2020 Annual Awards Luncheon was held on October 17th, 2021 at the Islamorada Yacht Club. It had been a year and a half since the last in person awards luncheon had been held due to covid, but it was like old times again as members and their guests mingled throughout the room reconnecting with each other. Connie O’Day gave the invocation giving thanks and remembering those who we had lost in the past year. Luncheon chair Gail Kennedy McManus and her committee worked hard planning all the details right down to the handmade pottery and floral centerpieces that Sherri Tindall had made. The centerpieces were later sold to benefit the Scholarship Trust. The silent auction had some wonderful items for people to bid on including trips to The Plantation on Crystal River, Casa Vieja Lodge, Guatemala, and Covey Run in Louisiana, a beautiful IWFA logo needlepoint pillow that Linda Harper had transferred the design from an old piece of IWFA literature to the canvas and Lisa Everett hand stitched it, and a tuna tale (tail!) donated many years ago by The Kunkle Family that had been given a new look by local artist Barbara Weingart. There were also some great raffle items.

There was a roomful of applause when President Kathy Gillen was awarded the Presidents Medal for serving for the last two years as the IWFA President. Many thanks go to Kathy for her dedication to the IWFA, guiding us thru the Covid challenges and for graciously agreeing to continue to serve as our President thru the 2023 term.
2020 Award Winners
The Anne D. Crowinshield Award, Carmen Perez-Pardon with 142,335 points
The Rybovich Award, Brooke Black for releasing the most species, 57 species
Sponsored Awards
- Ann C. Kunkel Newcomer Award, Sponsored by the Kunkel family, Jennifer Parker with 29,568 points
- The Kay Young Memorial Trophy Sponsored by Gillen Yacht Services, Nancy Llacuna, Marlin release on January 11, 2020
- Orvis Total Fly Award, Sponsored by Orvis Fly Fishing, Linda Denkert, 74,727 points
- Lew’s Plug Award Sponsored by Lew’s Fishing Tackle, Linda Denkert, 72,218 points
- Vernon Fly Release Award, Sponsored by Joan Vernon, Linda Denkert, 15,622 points
- The Arostegui Trout Award, Lisa Everett, 5 species, 11,571 points
The IWFA Master Angler Award
Roberta Arostegui
Roberta is the first angler to achieve this distinction.
Congratulations Roberta!
Club Records
Roberta Arostegui
Speckled Peacock 10.4 lbs., 4 lb. line
Chum Salmon 10.8 lbs., 4 lb. tippet
St. Croix Junior Angler Awards
The Fleming Top Species Award Sponsored by Molly Fleming, Emily Hanzlick, 26 species
Top Saltwater Angler, Emma Hunt, with 1325 points
Top Freshwater Angler, Sophie Hunt, with 730 points
There were also 38 individual species awards given to 21 anglers for the 2020 fishing year. That was a big increase compared to 2019 when 12 anglers won awards for 26 species. Congratulations to all the 2020 award winners!
Islamorada BackCountry Tournament

It was a welcome sight at the Islamorada Yacht Club for the IWFA anglers and the guides as they gathered on the eve of the 2021 Islamorada Backcountry Tournament to find out their fishing assignments. Everyone was excited to start three days of fishing in the beautiful Florida Keys including six ladies who were new to fishing in this tournament. Despite some wind it did not stop the tournament from happening. The fishing turned out to be excellent and the 31 anglers from around the country caught and released a total of 1,328 fish which included 10 slams, three of which were Summer Brancher’s! By the end of Day 3 Rebel Caplinger and Suzie Villere, both from Louisiana took 1st and 2nd Place with IWFA President Kathy Gillen from Ft. Lauderdale taking 3rd Place. In the Fly Division Betsy Bullard from Islamorada came in 1st place, Jenn Parker from Ocean Isle Beach, NC took 2nd and Shandra Rummel from Islamorada placed 3rd. On Tuesday night a pirate themed party hosted by Kathy Gillen, Connie O’Day and Brenda Moore at the La Jolla Beach Resort and sponsored by Papa’s Pillar gave everyone a chance to dress up as pirates, relax and tell fish stories after 2 days of fishing. Many thanks to the Tournament director, Kim Harrison and the Keys ladies who helped Kim to put on this fabulous event for everyone who attended!
Congratulations to all the Winners!
Grand Champion: Rebel Caplinger | 2nd Place - Suzie Villere | 3rd Place - Kathy Gillen
Fly Division Champion: Betsy Bullard | 2nd Runner Up - Jenn Parker | 3rd Runner Up - Shandra Rummel
High Point Anglers: Day 1 - Rebel Caplinger | Day 2 - Jenn ParkerDay | Day 3 - Suzie Villere
First Fish: Rebel Caplinger at 7:28 AM | Last Fish: Summer Brancher at 3:00 PM
Newcomer Award: Corrine Fuller-North
Guides Spin Division: 1st Place - Richard Black | 2nd Place - Frankie Ortez | 3rd Place - Dave Denkert
Guides Fly Division: 1st Place - Mike Alfano | 2nd Place - Steve Thomas | 3rd Place - Jayce Chamizo
Teams: 1st Place Team - Jenn Parker, Fran McKelvey, Suzie Villere | 2nd Place - Rebel Caplinger, Aledia Tush, Poppie Brownlee | 3rd Place - Connie O’Day, Serena Wilson, Denise Freihofer
Recognized Slams: Day 1 – Cheri Tindall 2:21 PM & Becky Strain 2:46 PM (On Fly) | Day 2 – Summer Brancher (3 Total) & Mary Parker Weingart (On Spin) | Day 3 – Betsy Bullard, Shandra Rummel (On Fly)Poppy Brownlee & Suzie Villere (On Spin)

Jr. Angler News from Jen Goodell
The Jr. Anglers now have their own logo!
October fishing results for our Junior Anglers. 6 girls fished and released 100 fish.
The winners of the August/September catch contest were:
FIRST PLACE: Emily Hanzlik SECOND PLACE: Mecartney Black THIRD PLACE: Mia O’Day
CONGRATULATIONS girls! Amy Dougherty sent the winners a box full of goodies!
2022 Tentative Schedule of Events
We are hoping this year that we will be in a position to have the following events:
- Annual Luncheon & Awards: April 3rd, Ft. Lauderdale
- BASS Tournament: April 3-5th, Lake Okeechobee, FL
- Louisiana Slam Tournament: June 12-15th, Venice, LA
- Islamorada BackCountry Tournament : TBD, Islamorada FL
Fishing Report
Affidavits Chair Carmen Perez Pardon reports that there were 5 new milestones in October
and 3 in November.
Please go to the website for a complete listing of all non-milestone winners
You will find it under awards scoreboard in Iscore.
Milestones Total Awards Rebel Caplinger 30 Fawn Ouellette 6Kristen Salazar 2 Natalie Ardis 1Tonya Love-Cheatham 11Audry Koocher 26Laura Russell 25 OctoberTotal Fish released: 1845Total Affidavits Submitted: 454Total Members submitting affidavits: 36 NovemberTotal Fish Released: 720 Total Affidavits Submitted 155Total Members submitting affidavits: 29
How to Download the New iScore App
If you want to add the iScore app to your iPhone so you can file affidavits on the go,
we've got you covered! Click here to watch an instruction video.
Tight lines!
Amazon Smile...
Don't forget to "Smile" during this holiday season! Who doesn’t Amazon? Don’t forget to SMILE! The IWFA Scholarship Trust has some wonderful news! As of May 12th we are part of the Amazon smile program. When you log in to do some shopping on your regular Amazon Page, please go to When the smile page comes up you will see that you can choose a charity to receive a donation when purchasing from Amazon. Please select IWFA (International Women’s Fishing Association) & we will receive 0.5% of your purchase price. Then, whenever you shop, just make sure you are on the page and all of your purchases will work with this program! Let it rain donations from Amazon…it makes us SMILE! If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to the IWFA Scholarship Trust, please send your donations to IWFA SCHOLARSHIP TRUST, PO Box 530816, Miami Shores, FL 33152-0816 and feel free to research our endeavors through the following link:
Welcome to our new members!!
Amy De Coste – Bethesda, MD
Helen Chamizo – Miami, FL
Halime Berkay – Oak Beach, NY
Krissy Hewes Wiborg – Miami, FL
Natalie Ardis – Duck Key, FL
Andrea Beuter – Munich, Germany
Sydney O’Day – Pearland, TX
Thanks to our amazing SPONSORS